Burgess Hill
09:30 - 12:00
Thursday, Tuesday
2.5 hours x 32 sessions
This course is for those wishing to live and work in the UK and wanting to improve their English skills. Our courses start from pre-entry to Entry 3 and classes usually have between 8-12 students
Term information :-
Term 1 – September to February half term (16 weeks x 2 classes x 2.5 hours/wk = 80 hours) – Speaking & Listening
Term 2 – February half term to July (16 weeks x 2 classes x 2.5 hours/week = 80 hours) – Reading & Writing
Each term we will help prepare you for a nationally recognised Trinity College ESOL exam. Once you have passed a practice paper you will be entered for an exam. Entry 3 and above is equivalent to B1 and above. This course will not prepare you for your Life in the UK test but does cover elements of citizenship and British values. This is a very intensive course and a minimum of 86% attendance is required before entry for an exam is considered.